Abukloi Foundation is playing a pivotal role in South Sudan’s development, aligning with the goals outlined in the African Development Bank’s “Infrastructure Action Plan in South Sudan: A Program for Sustained Strong Economic Growth” (2013). This plan identifies four key areas for the country to focus on to become a successful middle-income nation: well-functioning public and private institutions, well-developed basic infrastructure, a stable macroeconomic framework, and a healthy and literate labor force. While large-scale initiatives such as infrastructure, healthcare, and trade focus on national and international levels, many of the institutional and human capacity challenges are better addressed locally. Investing in small-scale, community-driven efforts can create more sustainable economies that are better prepared for future large development projects
In Rumbek, one of South Sudan’s largest cities, Abukloi Foundation has pioneered innovative methods to build local capacity through collaboration and targeted grassroots investment. By working alongside both local and international partners, the foundation has helped establish solar and water infrastructure, develop agricultural enterprises, support local businesses, and integrate modern technologies like Starlink and Internet-in-a-Box to bring global resources to the secondary school in Rumbek
With the support of its US partners, Abukloi Foundation understands that local challenges and opportunities can only be addressed through community-driven solutions. By providing financial, material, and technical assistance, the foundation fosters leadership, entrepreneurial skills, and self-sufficiency within the community. Investments in technological advancements, skills training, WASH infrastructure, and entrepreneurial projects may seem small, but they create a more inclusive economy with the potential for long-term impact on South Sudan’s future growth
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